I just wanted to say thanks for a great workshop/weekend in the Bruce! Hopefully, I’ll be able to join another workshop in the future.
Thanks again!
I just wanted to say thanks for a great workshop/weekend in the Bruce! Hopefully, I’ll be able to join another workshop in the future.
Thanks again!
Just wanted to say thanks for the great weekend. I think I’m still on a workshop high!
Thanks very much, Don. I enjoyed the workshop and learned a ton!
Thanks for another great workshop!
Thanks Don!!!! A FUN today with nice people and some practical work!!! Real eye opener for me! Learned lots and looking forward to putting it to practice.
I had a great time- you did a terrific job. Looking forward to going on another one of your workshops some time so please keep in touch.
As an established photographer with 30+ years of experience, I’m always open to learning and improving my vision through workshops and studying other photographers whose work I admire. In photography as in life, one never stops learning. Don Martel’s workshops provide a wonderful opportunity to break from routine and look at the world through new eyes. Don’s years of experience as a professional photographer, his wonderful teaching style, passion and his stunning images will light a new spa… Read more
THANK YOU Don Martel for another fun filled, information packed 2 days. Thanks to the BEAUTIFUL Models and the location of Milestone Studio! Now to Practice, Practice, Practice!!!
The Singing Sands workshops with Don Martel were amazing. I went up twice with him, and had amazing experiences both times, and learned a lot too.
A BIG THANK YOU to the BEAUTIFUL Models whoms names i forgot to write down and of course Don Martel for his wealth of tips, tricks and wit!!! SUCH FUN TO LEARN!!! Thank you
Today I worked with the one and only Don Martel. Thanks for doing this window light workshop I loved it and thank you