Thanks for another great workshop!
Thanks for another great workshop!
Don is a amazing photographer and mentor who loves people, life and has a curiosity for knowledge , He spreads a joie de vivre and is loved by all who has the opportunity to cross his path. Ps I feel blessed to be one of those individuals who has has the chance to know him
Thanks very much, Don. I enjoyed the workshop and learned a ton!
Thanks for another great workshop!
Thanks, for a great weekend, it was fun and informative. Now let’s get out there and shoot the hell out of this place LOL although I may require new glasses as I am seeing in a whole new way.
Today I worked with the one and only Don Martel. Thanks for doing this window light workshop I loved it and thank you
“First of all I would like to say how much I enjoyed the workshop. I shudder to think that I almost didn’t take part in it. The experience was well worth it. The weekend was just what we needed to get over the winter blahs”.
Thanks Don!!!! A FUN today with nice people and some practical work!!! Real eye opener for me! Learned lots and looking forward to putting it to practice.
You gave us so many lessons and teaching points – it was awesome! Big take-away for me – commit to your subject; exposure – set once, use many times; think about what you are trying to do with each photo – don’t just point and click – plan ahead. Oh yeah – Depth of Field and focus!
Just wanted to say thanks for the great weekend. I think I’m still on a workshop high!
FB message Don Martel I see that you are seeing with “new eyes” Paula O’Rourke Ah yes. I see the light! And lines, shapes, textures..