Making Memories for Lost Memories – Coast to Coast for Alzheimer’s

NEWS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 27, 2015  London Photographer to Cycle Across Canada for the Alzheimer’s Society London Ontario – Professional photographer Don Martel of London Ontario will cycle from the Pacific to the Atlantic Ocean this summer to teach photography, share stories, and encouraged Canadians to donate to the Alzheimer’s Society as he makes new memories for lost memories. Starting in Vancouver on June 5, 2015 Don with start his journey of over 8000 kms, ride through 10 provinces, conducting one-day photography workshops wherever he can. The workshops will help keep food on the campfire as he journeys across Canada making new images and memories. Don plans to be in Nova Scotia by the end of August. This trip was inspired by April Erickson and Marcel Pennington of B.C. who embarked on a four-month bike ride across Canada to raise money for the Alzheimer Society of B.C. in 2012. Don met them at a grocery store in Temagami in Northern Ontario...
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